Download Oracle JDK6 You can download Oracle JDK6 from this link: jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin, choose jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin and accept license agreement, because this is a old version of Oracle JDKs, so you need input your authorization information before you download it. Install Oracle JDK6 After you download it, you can run the following command to extract the bin file: sudo chmod u+x jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin sudo ./jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin Then you should create one more alternative for Java, /opt/jdk/ is your jdk...
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Install Erlang environment Before install Erlang, please make sure your system has the latest the update, we need to try to get the latest Erlang verson: sudo yum clean all sudo yum -y update then use linux yum tool to install Erlang: sudo yum clean all You can use erl -v to check the installation and the Erlang version you installed. Install Rabbitmq environment Download latest Rabbitmq installation file from its official website For...
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When I implemented the Enter Key event for input element, I found some strange things happend in IE8 to IE10. These browser's input element cannot reponse Enter Key event, moreover, when you click Enter in the <input> field, it will click the <button> element in your page automatically. How can we solve this problem, there are two ways: Wrap all the <input> elements in the <form>, and all the <form> should have a submit button....
If you are puzzled by some behavior Solr was showing you, I think you should to debug your issues in Solr source code. It's very easy to debug Solr source code in your IDEA, just following these steps: For the default, there is no solr.war in your solr-4.7.0/solr/example/webapps, so you need to generate it firstly. So you need run the following command in your solr folder solr-4.7.0/solr: ant dist After this command, it will generate...